Book Presentation to His All Holiness the Patriarch - Karyo Hliso
Yusuf Begtas:

Book Presentation to His All Holiness the Patriarch

Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş
Book Presentation to His All Holiness the Patriarch

We must own our possessions without letting them own us. Those who are able to show this boldness and courage, and those who successfully carry this out in their lives achieve the highest rank possible. Accordingly, the more love and goodwill there is, the more life becomes meaningful and fulfilling.

Constructive/creative thoughts, which derive from sincere efforts, require no agents. If it is to lock in on the target, this thought, ripening in the heart and taking shape in the mind, requires the expressions of language and assumes the form of a book with the beauty of literature. 

As it has been said, "A productive writer is one who sees and describes differently the things we all see everyday."

The earlier this basic truth is recognized the quicker will optimism achieve its purpose in our environment and society, and the quicker will it contribute to intellectual transformation. The following words by famous French writer Albert Camus (1913-1960) are case in point: "Where there is literature, there is constant hope."

Eileen Caddy (1917-2006), a modern writer reflecting on humanity and society and striving to open the doors inside every human, has certain constructive and transformative ideas of the kind that share people's troubles and joys, and keep their secrets. In one of her writings, this famous author exclaims: "Why shouldn't you be the optimistic person that always finds and creates the good things in life? Optimism leads to strength; pessimism leads to weakness and defeat... Let God's power shine in you and create a wonderful, peaceful, and harmonious life around you! When your outlook on life is optimistic, you invigorate and uplift the spirits around you by instilling hope, belief and trust. You will always see that likenesses attract; your optimism will create optimism around you which will accrue like an avalanche. There is always hope for everything in life; even if this hope starts out as a tiny little spark...  When you embrace that tiny little spark in an appropriate atmosphere with love and hope, it turns into a flame and grow and grows, until you burst into flames from God's unquenchable, inexhaustible energy. Once that fire is ignited, there is nothing that can stop its spread anymore..." 

As an acolyte of Syriac culture, I accept the conscientious responsibility of practicing, applying, and explaining the things I understand, as well as contributing to the propagation of new ideas.

I was overjoyed at the presentation in Sweden of my newly published Syriac book, titled, "Tasroro u Buyoye d-Sabro // The Warrior and the Solace of Hope" to Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Spiritual Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church and Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. 

I sincerely thank my dear friend Nuri Coşkun Hanno, who carried out this task for me on 27 September 2021. 

Best regards...

Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş

President of the Syriac Association of Language, Culture and Literature

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