The true self - Karyo Hliso
Yusuf Begtas:

The true self

Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş
The true self

The constant conflict between the ego and the soul, which is influenced by the heart and mind, leads to inner turmoil. This inner turmoil is far more dangerous than the actual external obstacles and represents one of the greatest obstacles on the path to discovering the meaning of life. Depending on the size of these obstacles that limit our inner potential, we experience ups and downs. Therefore, peace on the sea of life is unattainable until this turmoil within us subsides.

For this reason, choosing the power of the soul is not just an option, but a necessity to be and stay on the path. The soul is the source of love, sincerity, good will, understanding, compassion, beauty, kindness, cooperation, solidarity, virtue, positive development, in short, moral consistency and responsibility that prioritise virtue.

To benefit from this source, one must awaken and be reborn. To attain the power of the soul, one must illuminate the dark sides of the ego/self with the light of love and knowledge. For without illuminating the dark sides of the ego, it is impossible for the true self to emerge. Getting ahead and finding satisfaction with a false self in the midst of worldly challenges does not go beyond virtual fulfilment.

The true self, on the other hand, means overcoming one’s ego, knowing oneself, discovering oneself, returning to oneself and transcending oneself by overcoming complexes such as superiority and inferiority. Without scraping off the thick layer of egoism that covers the soul, it is difficult to reach humanity - true life and the true self -.

All the pain and hardship on the path to maturity are there to illuminate the darkness of the ego and strengthen the power of the soul. They are aimed at bringing the beauty of the soul - the true self - to reign supreme. The energy of the soul is beyond the limitations of time and space and is not subject to the law of opposites, which states that the good cannot exist without the bad. Unlike the energy of the ego, it does not pollute life, but calms and promotes growth.

The ego is destructive, while the soul is constructive. The ego is inconsistent and deceptive, while the soul is sincere and enlightening. The ego loves to destroy, while the soul loves to create. The ego says “I",” excludes others, acts selfishly and pursues its own interests. The soul says “we",” sees others as itself, acts altruistically and elevates the common good.

The ego stands for rigidity and regression, while the soul symbolises flexibility and growth. The ego is bound to and dependent on physical conditions, while the potential of the soul is free and limitless. The ego is limited by time and space, while the soul is free of them. The ego is restrictive and oppressive, while the soul is relieving and liberating.

The ego reflects pessimism, fear, sorrow, infidelity, irresponsibility, jealousy, cruelty, disappointment, discord, conflict, laziness, destructive actions, competition, resentment, superiority, exploitation and revenge.

The soul reflects optimism, courage, joy, happiness, sincerity, loyalty, responsibility, faithfulness, authenticity, freedom, harmony, peace, abundance, diligence, truth, constructive actions, prosperity, generosity, forgiveness and love.

In the conflict between ego and soul, the heart wants to unite with the will of the soul and strengthen it, while the mind does the opposite by uniting with the will of the ego and strengthening it.

While the heart surrenders to the will of the soul, the mind insists on remaining under the influence of the ego’s will. As the will of the heart and soul becomes stronger, the will of the ego and mind becomes weaker. Thus the will of the ego becomes ineffective and the will of the soul comes into play. The will of the soul is open to renewal and transformation, while the will of the ego holds on to old patterns and resists any change or transformation.

Yusuf Beğtaş

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