TO BE AND TO HAVE - Karyo Hliso
Yusuf Begtas:


Malfono Yusuf Beğtaş

"To be" and "to have" are two different terms with different meanings.

In the world of meanings of these two terms, there are intertwined yet different and extremely fruitful distinctions. When these fruitful distinctions are understood, the flow and joy of life become more productive.

One must first "be" Then one should progress on the path of "having" by appreciating, accepting and caring for what one possesses.

Embracing means considering something as your own essence and protecting it as your own essence, and even more. To care is to protect, preserve and be the guardian of something. As long as it is healthy, both embracing and caring are very valuable and virtuous behaviours.

The fear in unhealthy hugging and caring is "thinking it's yours" In the state of "thinking it's yours"," you can claim rights. However, hugging and caring are better than "thinking it's yours". They require much more caution and a greater sense of responsibility, which includes the concept of trust.

According to the consciousness of temporality, everything we have been given in this world (existence, personality, health, status, authority, power, talent, wealth, environment, knowledge, equipment, etc.) is a trust. It is important to nurture this trust in a healthy way. This is a duty. When we consciously fulfil this duty, we attain a spirituality that brings order and stability to our lives. Because when the ephemeral respects eternal values, the meaning and purpose of life emerge. Everything finds its value. Viewing the beauty of life from this perspective and approaching it with compassion leads people to an awareness of existence.

Above all, it is about ensuring that the divine truths at work in a person are not obscured or lost. When the ego surrounds our being and imprisons us with toxic thoughts, we close the pathways from our soul to the Creator.

As the saying goes, "There is no betrayal of trust" When we embrace and care for something, much more is expected than just protecting and preserving our own essence. Because embracing and caring are far superior to possessing.

Social scientists say: "Being refers to a person, while having refers to everything that is not a person but carries the risk of the person losing themselves in it" (Gabriel Marcel).

When we humans understand this fundamental difference, really perceive it, reflect this awareness spiritually in our area of service and responsibility, empathise and share the pain or joy of another person, we make progress on the path of being human. Because a person who is inclined towards being is a conscious person who does not judge everything in terms of their own interests and has overcome their ego.

Being" therefore means renewing oneself, developing, flowing, loving, reaching out to others by overcoming the ego, co-operating with them and giving from one's being. Therefore, one should know that it is the endeavour to seek the good, not what one possesses, that keeps a person on the path of "being"

Virtues such as love, morality and appreciation, which are inherent in a person by nature, occupy a respectable place within the basic manners that point to the path of "being"

However, in social reality, the natural structure of a human being is challenged by established perceptions, stereotypes, prejudices, misunderstandings, negative conditioning, negative thoughts, deceitful approaches, bad intentions, comparisons, contempt, hatred, resentment, jealousy, intolerance, worry, obsession, ambition, arrogance, pride, masks, ignorance, sensitivity, resentment, fanaticism, whims, complexes and the dominance of what one possesses over a person acquired over time.

Zülfikar Özkan explains the topic as follows: "We can have possessions, wealth, fame, people and knowledge. We can acquire them, claim them as our own and use them as we wish. However, there is no end to the desire to possess these material things. People with a passion for possessions will always want more things, they will envy those who have more than they do, and they will fear the gaze of others on their possessions. However, a person who is inclined to be will not try to claim or control anything. They will love everything in its own integrity, vitality, life and development."

Yunus Emre expresses this truth with the meaningful words: "Knowing is not being; seek to be, seek to be..."

Marianne Williamson emphasises the concept of "being" as follows: "Recognise the light within you and allow it to illuminate both your own path and the paths of others."

To be on the path and stay on the path, one must know, do and be. Both knowing and doing require being. Otherwise, dysfunction and restlessness ensue.

As the saying goes: "Man knows with his mind, finds with his heart and becomes with his soul"

I salute those who focus on being and walk the path of being!

Yusuf Beğtaş

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